DSR Stock Checklist

Never Doubt Your Decisions Again


Hey, I'm Mike

I’m the founder of Dividend Stocks Rock (DSR). I've been investing since 2003 (100% equities ever since) and worked as a financial planner/private banker for more than 10 years.

Besides being a passionate investor, I’m also happily married with three amazing children. I started my online venture to educate people about investing and to be able to spend more time with my family.

In 2016, I decided to take a leap of faith and left everything behind to travel across North America and Central America with my family.

Upon my return in 2017, I transformed DSR into the most practical and insightful dividend growth investing platform, helping 3,000+ people like you invest with more conviction.

Never doubt your decisions again by following this straightforward decision-making process. Download the Checklist now ------------------------------------------>>>

Download the Cheatsheet

You shouldn't doubt yourself

You work hard enough to save and invest your money.

Market fluctuations create confusion and lead you to paralysis by analysis.

 Instead of wondering when you should buy, use simple but effective decision-making mechanisms.

A stock checklist can make your life easier:

Close Ended Questions

Will improve the speed and quality in your decision-making process.

Cut Down the Noise

This quick tool is here to help cut down the noise and make you invest with more conviction. It is convenient and clear.

Final Checks

The checklist will be more efficient once you have done your complete stock analysis. Quickly decide whether or not you should add them to your portfolio.

Buy with Conviction

Validating through a checklist will increase your confidence in buying and support your conviction through challenging times.

Allocation and Role

Knowing the function of each investment in your portfolio will help you reach your financial goals faster.

Dividend Growth

Dividend growth is a good indicator that the business is growing, and that your investment is protected against inflation.

Investment Safety

Focus on questions that will tell you about the dividend safety and the companys balance sheet.

Growth Potential

Offense is often the best defense. In the investing world, this means healthy companies showing solid growth potential.


How DSR Changed Investors

"I think the most significant change for me is the confidence that I feel regarding my investing. I have always had a very high-risk tolerance, so I can’t say that I fretted much about investing, but the difference between then and now is that currently, I am very confident that I am making good choices and I know how to proceed as I continue to develop and adjust my portfolio. I have a plan, and I can’t get over how much Mike’s advice resonates with me as I move forward. I watch the webinars and listen to the podcasts and they help affirm me so very much.
Thank you for all that you do. The recent upgrades to your platform were impressive and welcome."

- Diane D. DSR PRO member since 2020.

"I want you to know I would not have the confidence to still be managing my portfolio without your regular guidance. And as a retiree, I get a lot of pleasure out of it.
You and your team have really made a difference in my life and my financial health and confidence."

- Jane L., DSR PRO members since 2015.

"The information that you provide is very useful and timely. It has allowed me to confidently fine-tune my portfolio and make the necessary changes as I approach withdrawal age."

- Barry B. DSR PRO members since 2021.

Download the checklist, invest with conviction, enjoy your retirement